St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Year 1 Olive Class

Olive Tree (Olea europaea): How to Grow and Care with Success

Welcome to Year 1!

Class teacher - Miss B Hill

Teaching support - Ms E Towler

Wednesday class cover teacher - Mrs Coventry

Lunchtime Supervisor - Mrs Kelly


Our Class Saint - Saint George

History of St George and the Dragon | by Bill Petro | Medium

Class Virtue - Gentleness


  • Please read with your child as regularly as possible. The more they practise, the more confident and fluent your child will become. The children will read with an adult three times per week, we love to read your comments so please write in your child's reading  record how they have done with their reading at home.
  • We always aim to have books changed every Tuesday and Friday, please sign your child's reading book when you have read with them.  
  • Our PE day is on a Tuesday. The children will need their PE kit in school, this consists of plain black jogging bottoms or shorts, a white t-shirt and jumper. They will also need pumps or trainers. 
  • Outdoor Learning will take place on alternative Tuesday afternoons, your child will need wellies in school as we aim to be outdoors in all weather.
  • If you would like your child to have a school water bottle, they are 60p each. 
  • We use Twitter to update snippets from our day and showcase out wonderful work. Please be sure to follow us @stjosephskly. Olive Class adventures will be shared using the hashtag #TeamOlive. 


If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me by email:

Alternatively, I am available everyday before or after school.


Our Learning

In Olive Class we aim for the children to be happy, confident and excited in their learning. We encourage fun throughout the curriculum and aim to ensure that children are happy and excited to come to school. Friendship and community are at the heart of Olive Class and both teamwork and kindness are encouraged and celebrated in everything that we do. 

In Olive class we organise our learning by building upon the skills that we have learned in EYFS and in Year 1, as well as learning new skills, to ensure that we are continually progressing in each area. Through our creative curriculum, we ensure that the children learn a range of topics and grow their skills through those topics. This school year we will be focusing on the following topics:


Geography - My School Environment (Autumn 1)

History - Remembrance Day  (Autumn 2)

Geography - Wonderful World  (Spring 1)

History - Florence Nightingale (Spring 2)

Geography -Let's Go On Safari (Summer 1)

History - Explorers (Summer 2)

These exciting topics show a full coverage of the National Curriculum, as well as providing learning opportunities that will capture the creativity and imagination of our children. It is through these topics we endeavour to Believe in God, ourselves and others.  

We plan on lots of exciting trips and learning opportunities throughout the year, which will engage the children in their learning and ensure they have the #bestdaysoftheirlives, thus inspiring writing, enthusiasm and a quest for learning!

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Overview 2023 - 2024
