St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Things to Know About Birch Class!

Miss Stewart - Class teacher

Miss Brown - Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Sharples - PPA cover (Friday PM)

  • Our PE day is on a Wednesday afternoon. The children will need plain black jogging bottoms or shorts, a white t-shirt and jumper. They will also need pumps.
  • Outdoor Learning will also take place on a Wednesday afternoon and all children will need wellington boots, as we will be out in all weathers!
  • Please read with your child as regularly as possible! The more they practise, the more confident and fluent your child will become. The children will read with an adult in school as much as possible but we would love for this to also happen at home.
  • Books will be changed every Tuesday and Thursday.
  • Our Google Classroom is a fantastic hub for you to share and keep in contact with the rest of the class. I will also upload any messages or news on there so please check it regularly. The virtual classroom is an excellent place to share home learning, takeaway homework or anything exciting you have done at home that your child would like to share with their friends in Birch Class. 


If you do have any questions then please do not hesitate to get in touch. My email address is, alternatively I am around most days both before and after school.




Our class Saint is St. Paul and our Virtue is Trustworthiness


Our Learning in Year 4

In Birch class, we  want our children to feel safe, happy and confident in all that they do. We aim to bring an engaging and creative curriculum, with a broad range of learning opportunities and challenges, to encourage them to have a positive attitude towards their learning . We want all children in Birch to love coming to school everyday and to want to become the best that they can be, reaching their full potential. We want the children to be inspired to become independent and co-operative learners with skills that they can continue to develop into the future. Every day is an opportunity to learn and develop at St Joseph’s, as we try to be the best that we can be. Not only do we believe in ourselves in Birch Class, we also believe in others, help one another, show kindness, friendship, love and encourage each other every day as we are all a part of the Birch Class family!

The Curriculum in Birch Class not only introduces new learning opportunities for the children but also builds on the knowledge, skills and attitudes taught in previous years to ensure that we are continually progressing in each area. We also want the children to grow in confidence both academically and socially throughout the year and through our creative curriculum, we ensure that the children learn a range of topics and grow their skills through those topics.

Our Topics this Year Include:

Autumn 1 – Ancient Egyptians

Autumn 2 - Rivers

Spring 1 - Anglo Saxons

Spring 2 - Changes in our Local Area - Ilkley

Summer 1 - Windrush

Summer 2 - Rainforests

Throughout the year we have planned lots of exciting trips and learning opportunities which tie in with our topics to extend and engage the children in their learning and ensure they have the #bestdaysoftheirlives, as a result inspiring writing, enthusiasm and a love for learning!

Completing the year with our class residential, thus giving us the opportunity to further explore our wider environment. These topics allow the children not only to ask questions about their local environment but fuels healthy curiosity in the children about themselves and the world around them. 

These exciting topics create a full coverage of the National Curriculum, as well as providing learning opportunities that will capture the creativity and imagination of our children. It is through these topics we endeavor to:

 Believe in God, ourselves and others.   

Please follow us on Twitter @stjosephskly and follow #Birchclass to see what we get up to!









Important Letters

Spring 1 - Trip Letters

Autumn 2 - Trip Letter

Autumn 1 - Newsletter 

Autumn 1 Trips - Permission Slip

Our Timetable


Spring 2 - Takeaway Homework

Spring 1 - Takeaway Homework

Autumn 2 - Takeaway Homework

Autumn 1 - Takeaway Homework

Autumn 1 - SMART Homework









Fabulous Facts

Spring 2 - Geography

Spring 2 - Science

Spring 1 - History

Spring 1 - Science

Autumn 2 - Geography 

Autumn 2 - Science

Autumn 1 - History

Autumn 1 - Science