St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Year 6 Hawthorn Class

Ruth McCarter - Class teacher, Geography leader

Miss Allatt - Teaching Assistant 

Mrs Robertson - Lunchtime supervisor

Mrs Sharples - PPA cover - Thursday PM




Our Class Saint is St. Margaret Clitherow and our class virtue is Responsible Citizenship.

Our Learning

 In Hawthorn Class, we want our children to be safe, happy, excited and challenged to be the best they can be. Our learning   environment is shaped by an understanding of what children can achieve and by delivering teaching and learning   opportunities that meet individual needs. We want to give the children the ‘best days of their lives.’

 In our curriculum, we teach to develop skills, knowledge, concepts, attitudes and creativity.  We want the children to become   critical learners and thinkers who are shaped to become lifelong learners. The topics show how we enable pupils to   demonstrate progression of skills built on from previous years, as well as allowing the opportunity to teach and learn new   subject knowledge.

  • Please read with your child as regularly as possible. The more practice, the more confident and fluent your child will become.
  • Books will be changed everyday if required. 
  • Our PE day is on a Thursday. The children will need plain, dark jogging bottoms or shorts, a white t-shirt and jumper. They will also need pumps.
  • Outdoor learning takes place on Wednesday. The children will need wellington boots during the winter months.
  • If you would like your child to have a school water bottle, they are 40p each.
  • Spellings are set on a Monday and then checked on a Friday.


Things you could do at home


  • Please read with your child regularly, daily if possible. Reading books are required to be brought in daily. We ask that you read as much as you can, not just school reading books but for enjoyment also. We know sometimes it can be tricky to fit it in but it is for your child's benefit.  
  • When reading, check for meaning and understanding.
  • New spellings will be assigned every Monday on Spelling Shed, and a paper copy sent home.  


  • Please practise times tables on a regular basis. Your child should know all of their times tables. Please make the most of the Times Tables Rock-stars subscription we have. If you require your log child's log in, then please get in touch. 

          Fabulous Facts

  • At the start of each half term, I will send out a sheet with key information regarding our history/geography and science work. Please use this as a talking point and look at the vocabulary together with your  child.  

          Takeaway homework

  • Each term we send home a 'Takeaway Homework' sheet that runs for the half term. House points are awarded on completion of tasks. They can be brought in at any time throughout the term.

           Google Classroom

  • Google Classroom is a fantastic hub for you to share work and keep in contact with the rest of the class. I will also upload any messages or news on there so please check it regularly. The virtual classroom is an excellent place to share home learning, takeaway homework or anything exciting you have done at home that your child would like to show to the class.


Spring Term














Autumn Term

Knowledge Organisers
